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  5. Version 1.0.0


    comes in obj format not game ready taser and holster are seperated import then into blender and export them as one obj to get combined model
  6. Version 1.0.0


    comes in MAX | FBX | OBJ | TEX formats NOT GAME READY if anyone develops eup this could be useful ig this isn't sold on cg trader anymore and i have the taser 7 holster model that eup devs are starting to use, however, it doesn't include the actual taser
  7. How does one purchase Kane's models?
  8. Version 1.0.0


    fuck you kane stanley
  9. Version 1.0.0


    https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/vehiclemodels/48464-non-els-1974-mack-r-model-engine-rb-rr-fivem-ready/?do=download&csrfKey=d1bc60ada07b5d3d4eb1d304319824b7 Get fucked Bitch
  10. It doesn't work! It causes a lot of texture errors, and even the sea surface is flickering.
  11. It doesn't seem to be working properly...There are a lot of invisible walls inside, I can't even open the door the normal way.
  12. @Z3D It wont allow me to convert to z3d do you know what website to use
  13. still good to download??
  14. Version 1.0.0


    30$ lol more like free
  15. Can you make it all one file. Theres like 30+ files.
  16. here a year later to remind the OP they're a shitlord posting shit off gta5-mods. I'm out here trying to find decent bike files, and have to deal with some goon that dumped a bunch of loose files they downloaded randomly and called it a leak Site must not have any moderators for spam like this to sit around
  17. Why is this a paid asset? I don't get it. It's supposed to be a cracked asset so you don't need to pay.
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